Saturday, September 22, 2012

Grad School Acronyms

ITL - In the Library

OOL - Out of Library

LOL - Lots of Library

(SOL and FML still retain their same meanings)

I'm just kidding about the last two.  Graduate school is nuts.  It's constant waves and waves of something, and there's not enough time to articulate what that something is.  I think the first and most important skill I'll be learning this semester is how to read efficiently and effectively. Another will be time management -- in particular, knowing when to stop.  All and all I'm loving all of it. I'm still moving into Shepard University, but it is gorgeous as is and we've already thrown two dinner parties (Thursday is sacred).  Today I swam all the way across Walden Pond and saw Thoreau's hut.  When I get the chance, I'll put a photo up.

For now, here's David McCord's poem "What Cheer"
The decent docent doesn't doze;
He teaches standing on his toes.
His student dassn't doze and does.
And that's what teaching is and was.

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