Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Spring in Saint-Petersburg

Ah spring... when thousands of middle-aged Russian women shed their fur coats, throw out their tanning spray, stumble into their thongs, and trek out to the Peter and Paul Fortress to sunbathe on the "beach".

[click to enlarge]

The weather here is getting nicer and nicer, so I went to Saint Isaac's recently. The bad part about climbing onto the cupola of Saint Isaac's Cathedral is you don't get a very good view of Saint Isaac's Cathedral.

The good part is you get a great view of everything else, like the Menshikov palace.

I can see my school from here!

The 9th Wave
, so the mariners say, is the most dangerous.

Thanks to Bimini for the photos, and for the cool video at the bottom of this post.


Anonymous said...

THe 9th wave is one of my favorite paintings ever. I get overwhelmed when i look at it. So much passion and depth.

Evander said...

I'll show you my favorite when you get here!

Robby said...
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Robby said...

There is a cow hidden in the lower left section of that painting. It is floating in the water and you can make out its head gasping for air.

Evander said...

You've got the right artist Rob, but you're thinking of the painting to the left of the 9th wave ("the Billow").